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CycleCity Guides

CycleCity Mapping Services

Wallbridge Mill



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Route surveying

CycleCity has unrivalled experience in developing urban cycle networks after work in more than a dozen of the largest cities.

We often work in collaboration with local cycle groups and campaigns to combine their invaluable knowledge with the need to design coherent, direct and attractive cycle routes.

CycleCity Guides has been appointed by the London Cycling Campaign to survey all rotues within the Greater London area for a series of new maps to be published by Transport for London.

All finished maps are produced to agreed specifications which can be tailored to the needs of a particular town or city, yet also conform to a common approach and style. Full reports on the network can be produced if required.

Base maps can be used to build up layers of important information on walking routes, cycle routes and the exact location of bridleways and other rights of way.

Contact: Martin Whitfield, CycleCity Guides, 01373 453533 or
