Wallbridge Mill

CycleCity Guides are produced at Wallbridge Mill, a listed building on the edge of the lovely old industrial town of Frome, Somerset.

Bump down the track and cross the bridge and you're on a tear-shaped island in the River Frome. You'll see plenty of parking, but no cars. CycleCity Guides is a car-free business. This building was chosen because it is on a section of the proposed National Cycle Network route linking Dorchester and Salisbury with Bath.

The three buildings occupy a site on which there has been milling since the Domesday Book. The South Mill (now a home and office) milled animal feed for more than 150 years. The Shed - a 1930s industrial shed - ihas been converted into a large studio office. The North Mill, the oldest (1600), has a new roof and floors, but is waiting final fitting out.

Wallbridge Mill also supplies the National Grid with electricity. Power is generated by the original turbine, a 58in Canadian model dating from about 1908. We sell our surplus to Southern Electric and are one of its renewable sources.


If you are interested in a short summary of Wallbridge Mill's history and renovation, please click here. If you want to know more about Frome, please click here.
