Welcome to CycleCity Guides

CycleCity Guides is committed to helping make sustainable transport options available to all. We survey and map cycling and walking routes, developing networks in even the most challenging urban settings. Our maps invite the user to find their way easily on foot, by bike and on public transport. We exploit the technology which allows route information to be used in journey planners and on mobile devices.



The first CycleCity map was of Bristol and surrounding area in 1996. Like many other CycleCity maps, it was innovative - highlighting the small cycle-friendly roads at the expense of motorways and A-roads...

more about our maps



Cycle route surveying lies at the heart of CycleCity Guides. All our early maps were based on pioneering surveying of some of the country’s largest cities to build up networks of official, advisory and traffic-free routes...

more about surveying


Our in-house design team works closely with the client to create an effective design solution. Consideration will be given to the finished printed size when bringing the map together with the text and images.

more about design

SurveingJourney Planner

All journey planners need good basic information. Our cycle and walking specific data fills a huge gap in most current planners, which are based on road vehicle information only.

more about journey planner