All publishers want to hear what people think of their maps and guides - good and bad. This is particularly the case with free maps and guides, as they do not have commercial sales on which to measure success. Please take a moment to fill in the form below. As with all cyclecity data, this material will not be used for any other purpose and will have any personal details removed.

If you want to be entered into our monthly free draw for a copy of Traffic-Free Cycle Trails, please remember to fill in contact details at the bottom of the form. The next winner will be notified on 20 November 2004.

1. Name of map/guide:
2. What do you use the map for? Please tick as many as apply.
Leisure Commuting Other utility trips Holidays
3. Did you find the map:
4. Did it encourage you to cycle more? Yes No
5. If you are using your bike more, are you mainly replacing journeys by:
6. Please list any particularly good features of the map

7. And those not so good

8. Any other comments

About you

1. Male Female
2. Under 16 17-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65 and over
3. Do you have access to a car? Yes No 4. Do you cycle:
5. Would you be willing to answer more questions about cycle map design? Yes No

If yes, and if you want to enter our free prize draw for a copy of Traffic-Free Cycle Trails, then please make sure you have given us at least one method of contacting you.

First name: Surname:
Telephone: Email: